HFTP Announces HITEC Asia and India Expansion

Recently announced on Hospitality Net, Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals (HFTP) are excited to announce a further global expansion of Hospitality Industry Technology Exposition and Conference (HITEC) into India and Asia. These educational events happening in areas around the world aim to expand the network of hospitality information and trends.

HFTP International President Lyle Worthington, CHTP, CIO at The Student Hotel in Amsterdam, The Netherlands says, "As a global association with members spanning six continents, we believe that the expansion of HITEC will be an opportunity to build the exchange of information within the hospitality technology community, which has gained immense importance within the industry."

If interested in attending HITEC, the next conference will be in Toronto, Canada June 26-29. For more information the exciting announcement, read the full story here: https://www.hospitalitynet.org/news/4083173.html 
