Lost-and-Found Made Easy with New Text Communication Apps

Lost-and-found items for hotels used to be about long handwritten logs and delayed interactions with guests who report such items. But according to Hotel Management, now apps such as Alice and Chargerback exist for guests and hotel associates to send text communications regarding lost items. The owner of Chargerback has stated that the return rate of lost items went up from 15-20% to  60%. Each traveler can report their lost items, while another feature allows hotels to log found items until they find a match and can return it to the rightful owner.

To read more about these text-based lost-and-found apps, read the full story on Hotel Management's website here.

This year's The Hotel Experience show will be hosting several discussions on the future of tech in hospitality as well as hosting tons of tech-based exhibitors at the show! If you're interested in attending or exhibiting, head on over to our website and find out how you can be a part of The Hotel Experiencewww.thehotelexperience.com
